Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології

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    Quantitative assessment of structural complexity in human cerebellum through analysis of skeletonized mr images: anatomical correlations, sex differences, and agerelated changes
    (Acta Morphologica et Anthropologica, 2024) Maryenko, Nataliia; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Stepanenko, Oleksandr; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович
    The present study provides a quantitative assessment of the human cerebellum structural complexity using analysis of skeletonized images. Magnetic resonance images from 100 apparently healthy individuals (aged 18-86 years) were examined. Following segmentation, the images were skeletonized, and quantitative analysis of the digital skeletons was conducted. The following parameters were determined: number of branches and their junctions, end-point, slab and junction pixels, average and maximum branch length, triple and quadruple points. Sex differences were assessed. Correlation analysis included determining the relationships between the studied parameters and age, morphometric parameters derived from Euclidean and fractal geometries, as well as the same parameters of the digital skeletons identified in the cerebral hemispheres. In conclusion, quantitative analysis of digital cerebellar skeletons offers advantages for assessing the structural complexity of the cerebellum. This method and the results of the present study can be applied in diagnosing cerebellar malformations and distinguishing between malformations and atrophic alterations.
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    Cortex and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres: anatomical correlations and age-related changes measured with fractal analysis
    (2024-05) Maryenko, Nataliia; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Stepanenko, Oleksandr; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович
    The aim of the present study was to determine the fractal dimension (FD) values of the cortex and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres using fractal analysis of two-dimensional magnetic resonance images, explore the anatomical correlations of the cortex and white matter FD, and study age-associated changes in the cortex and white matter. In this study, a negative correlation was found between the cortex and white matter FD values, influenced by anatomical factors such as the degree of gyrification. While the cortex FD values significantly decreased with age, age-related changes in the white matter FD values were relatively weak.
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    Дослідження скелетонованих зображень поверхневих артерій мозочка людини
    (Національний медичний університет імені О. О. Богомольця, 2024) Калініченко, Михайло Олександрович; Kalinichenko, Mykhailo; Мар’єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
    При морфометрії у морфології часто використовують такі методи, як вимірювання лінійних розмірів, площі поверхні або обсягу нормальних та патологічних структур, а також розрахунку різних параметрів на їх основі. Більшість таких методів є інформативними при дослідженні структур, форма яких подібна до геометрично простих фігур. Проте судинне русло поверхневих артерій мозочка людини має складну просторову організацію і потребує розробки нових, нестандартних методів його дослідження. Перспективним методом є аналіз скелетонованих зображень. Даний метод вперше був розроблений для дослідження дендритного дерева нейронів, проте може бути використаний для подібних деревоподібних структур, таких як біла речовина мозочка та судини внутрішніх органів, у тому числі поверхнева судинна мережа мозочка. Мета. Встановити закономірності індивідуальної мінливості мозочка за допомогою аналізу скелетонованих зображень поверхневих артерій мозочка людини. Матеріали та методи. Було досліджено 15 препаратів мозочка разом зі стовбуром мозку. Препарати були отримані від трупів дорослих людей (10 – чоловічої та 5 – жіночої статі), які померли від причин, не пов’язаних з патологією мозку, у віці від 30 до 92 років. Процедура скелетонування зображення дозволяє провести аналіз судин без врахування їх діаметру, і, таким чином, уніфікувати параметри судинної мережі при її оцінюванні. Складність структури поверхневої судинної мережі мозочка збільшується зі збільшенням кількості гілок, кількості з’єднань гілок, кількості кінцевих точок гілок, проте зменшується зі збільшенням середньої довжини гілки. Кількісні параметри скелетонованих зображень є репрезентативними для оцінки структури поверхневих артерій мозочка.
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    Fractal analysis of the cerebral cortex and white matter for quantitative assessment of age-related brain atrophy in men and women
    (Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 2023-10) Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
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    Fractal analysis of brain Magnetic Resonance images: a quantitative assessment of brain aging in men and women
    (Ordu University, 2023-07) Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
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    Spatial and structural complexity of cerebral hemispheres in male and female brain: fractal and quantitative analyses of MRI brain scans
    (2023) Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare the features of the structural complexity of the cerebral hemispheres in men and women using fractal analysis of outlined and skeletonized images, as well as quantitative analysis of digital skeletons of the cerebral hemispheres. Material and Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging brain scans of 100 individuals aged 18-86 years (44 males and 56 females) were investigated. Five sections of each brain were selected for morphometric study (4 coronal and 1 axial sections). The sections were preprocessed, and outlined and skeletonized images were obtained. Fractal analysis was conducted using the two-dimensional box counting method, and fractal dimensions of outlined and skeletonized images were determined. Additionally, quantitative analysis of skeletonized images was performed, determining the following parameters: branches, junctions, end-point voxels, junction voxels, slab voxels, triple points, quadruple points, average branch length, and maximum branch length. Results: We observed that both variants of fractal dimension in males and females did not show significant differences, although most quantitative parameters in males were larger than those in females. Conclusions: The spatial and structural complexity of the cerebral hemispheres, as characterized by fractal dimensions, is almost indistinguishable between males and females. However, in some individual brain sections, the male brain may exhibit a slightly higher number of end-point voxels, corresponding to the gyri of the cerebral hemispheres. The obtained data can be used in clinical practice for diagnostic purposes (e.g., for detecting malformations) and for theoretical studies in neuroanatomy.
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    Quantitative characterization of age-related atrophic changes in cerebral hemispheres: A novel “contour smoothing” fractal analysis method
    (Elsevier, 2023) Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
    Background: Quantitatively assessing age-related atrophic changes in cerebral hemispheres remains a crucial challenge, particularly in distinguishing between normal and pathological brain atrophy caused by neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we introduced a new fractal analysis algorithm, referred to as the “contour smoothing” method, to quantitatively characterize age-related atrophic changes in cerebral hemispheres. Materials and methods: MRI scans from 100 healthy individuals (44 males, 56 females), aged 18–86 (mean age 41.72 ± 1.58), were analyzed. We used two fractal analysis methods: the novel “contour smoothing” method (with stages: 1–6, 1–5, 2–6, 1–4, 2–5) and the classical “box-counting” method to assess cerebral cortex pial surface contours. Results: Fractal dimensions obtained using the “box-counting” method showed weak or statistically insignificant correlations with age. Conversely, fractal dimensions derived from the “contour smoothing” method exhibited significant age-related correlations. The “contour smoothing” method with 1–4 stages proved more suitable for quantifying atrophic changes. The average fractal dimension for 1–4 coronal sections was 1.402 ± 0.005 (minimum 1.266, maximum 1.490), and for all five tomographic sections, it was 1.415 ± 0.004 (minimum 1.278, maximum 1.514). These fractal dimensions exhibited the strongest correlations with age: r = 􀀀 0.709 (p <0.001) and r = 􀀀 0.669 (p < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: The “contour smoothing” fractal analysis method introduced in this study can effectively examine cerebral hemispheres to detect and quantify age-related atrophic changes associated with normal or pathological aging. This method holds promise for clinical application in diagnosing neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
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    Fractal dimension of silhouette Magnetic Resonance brain images as a measure of age-associated changes in cerebral hemispheres
    (2023) Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
    Aim: The aim of the present study was to characterize age-associated changes in the spatial configuration of cerebral hemispheres (including changes in spatial complexity and space-filling capacity) using fractal analysis of silhouette magnetic resonance brain images. Material and Methods: Magnetic resonance brain images of 100 (44 male, 56 female) participants aged between 18-86 years were studied. Five magnetic resonance images were selected from the magnetic resonance imaging dataset of each brain, including four tomographic sections in the coronal plane and one in the axial plane. Fractal dimension values of the cerebral hemispheres silhouettes were measured using the two-dimensional box-counting algorithm. Morphometric parameters based on Euclidean geometry (perimeter, area, and their derivative values) were determined as well. Results: The average fractal dimension value of the five studied tomographic sections was 1.878±0.0009, the average value of four coronal sections was 1.868±0.0010. It was shown that fractal dimension values of cerebral silhouettes for all studied tomographic sections and four coronal sections significantly decrease with age (r=-0.512, p<0.001 and r=-0.491, p<0.001, respectively). The difference in the character of age-related changes in males and females was not statistically significant. Based on the age and the fractal dimension values of the studied sample, the confidence intervals of the fractal dimension values of cerebral hemispheres silhouettes were determined, which can be used as norm criteria in clinical neuroimaging. Conclusion: The fractal analysis and obtained data can be used in neuroimaging for assessing the degree of age-related cerebral atrophy and for differentiating between normal aging and neurodegenerative diseases.
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    Atrophic age-related changes in cerebral hemispheres: Euclidean geometry based morphometry of MRI brain scans
    (2023) Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Maryenko, Nataliia; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
    The aim of the present study was to conduct a comprehensive morphometric analysis of two-dimensional MRI brain images and determine the simple morphometric parameters of the cerebral hemispheres that best characterize quantitatively brain atrophic changes in normal aging. This study analyzed MRI brain scans from 100 apparently healthy individuals (44 males and 56 females) aged 18 to 86 years (mean age 41.72±1.58 years). For each brain investigation, five tomographic sections were selected, including four coronal and one axial. The perimeter, area values, and their derivative indices were determined. The study has shown that the parameter most sensitive to aging changes was the ratio of two area values: the area corresponding specifically to cerebral tissue and the area that captures the cerebral tissue and the sulcal content. The results of the present study can be used in clinical practice for the quantitative assessment of age-related atrophic changes in cerebral hemispheres.
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    Shape of cerebral hemispheres: structural and spatial complexity. Quantitative analysis of skeletonized MR images
    (2022) Maryenko, Nataliia; Stepanenko, Oleksandr
    For quantitative characterization of the complexity of the spatial configuration of anatomical structures, including cerebral hemispheres, fractal analysis is the most often used method, in addition to which, other methods of image analysis are quite promising, including quantitative analysis of skeletonized images. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the structural and spatial complexity of the cerebral hemispheres shape using quantitative analysis of skeletonized magnetic resonance images of the cerebral hemispheres. Magnetic resonance brain images of 100 conditionally healthy individuals (who did not have structural changes in the brain) of both sexes (56 women, 44 men) aged 18-86 years (average age 41.72±1.58 years) were studied, 5 tomographic sections (4 coronal sections and 1 axial section) were selected from the set of tomographic images of each brain. During preprocessing, image segmentation was performed to obtain a binary silhouette image, after which silhouette skeletonizing was carried out. Quantitative analysis of skeletonized images included determination of the following parameters: branches, junctions, end-point voxels, junction voxels, slab voxels, triple points, quadruple points, average branch length, maximum branch length. We divided quantitative parameters of skeletonized images into two groups. The first group included branches, junctions, end-point voxels, junction voxels, slab voxels, triple points, quadruple points. These parameters were related to each other and to the values of the fractal dimension by positive correlations. The second group of parameters included average branch length, maximum branch length. These parameters were positively correlated, but they had negative correlations with most of the parameters of the first group and with fractal dimension values. Quantitative parameters and fractal dimension turned out to be better parameters for characterizing the spatial and structural complexity of the cerebral hemispheres shape than traditional morphometric parameters (area, perimeter and their derivatives). It was found that the values of most of the investigated quantitative parameters decreased with age; coronal sections were the most representative for characterizing age-related changes. Quantitative assessment of the brain shape, including spatial and structural complexity, can become an informative tool for the diagnosis of some nervous diseases and the differentiation of pathological and normal age-related changes.