Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології

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Search Results

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    Establishing the range of variability of the longitudinal dimensions of the lower jaw in women with different craniotypes
    (International Scientific Unity, 2024) Melnyk, Bohdan; Boiagina, Olga; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Samosudova, Liudmyla; Самосудова, Людмила Вікторівна
    In recent years, the areas of surgery related to the correction and plasticity of the bones of the facial skull have been developing rapidly, which in turn requires indepth knowledge of the individual anatomical variability of the structures of this area. Therefore, the further study of the peculiarities of the dimensions and relationships of the skull structures remains one of the most important problems of modern craniology. The purpose of the research is to determine the range of variability of the longitudinal dimensions of the lower jaw of women depending on the type of facial skull structure.
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    Individual anatomical variability of the longitudinal dimensions of the lower jaw in men
    (International Scientific Unity, 2024) Melnyk, B.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Samosudova, L.; Самосудова, Людмила Вікторівна
    The issue of studying individual anatomical variability of skull bones does not lose its relevance. In order to improve methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and anomalies of skull development, it is very important to have complete information about individual anatomical variability of skull structures. This necessity is primarily associated with the rapid development of maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics. For the successful treatment of the patient, one cannot do without an in-depth study of the features of the bones: their thickness, linear dimensions, craniotopographic relationships between the structures of the skull depending on gender and craniotype.
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    Cortex and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres: anatomical correlations and age-related changes measured with fractal analysis
    (2024-05) Maryenko, Nataliia; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Stepanenko, Oleksandr; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович
    The aim of the present study was to determine the fractal dimension (FD) values of the cortex and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres using fractal analysis of two-dimensional magnetic resonance images, explore the anatomical correlations of the cortex and white matter FD, and study age-associated changes in the cortex and white matter. In this study, a negative correlation was found between the cortex and white matter FD values, influenced by anatomical factors such as the degree of gyrification. While the cortex FD values significantly decreased with age, age-related changes in the white matter FD values were relatively weak.
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    Age-related changes in the cerebral hemispheres of male and female brains: a morphometric study using MRI brain scans
    (Bulletin of Medical and Biological Research, 2024) Maryenko, N.; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна
    Understanding the differences in brain ageing between males and females and the varying sensitivity of morphometric parameters to ageing are crucial for developing algorithms and protocols for objective and quantitative brain morphology evaluation in clinical practice. The study revealed more pronounced changes in absolute cross-sectional area values corresponding to overall brain tissue with ageing in males. However, no significant sex difference was observed in the age dynamics of relative values. The ratio of two cross-sectional brain areas, considering sulcal content and excluding it, has been identified as the most sensitive parameter to age-related changes in both male and female brains. This ratio could serve as an additional morphometric parameter for diagnostic purposes in examining cerebral structure.
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    Встановлення діапазону варіабельності ширини та висоти вісцерального черепа людини в залежності від краніотипу та статевої приналежності
    (2024) Мельник, Богдан Ігорович; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна
    The aim of our study was to establish the existing range of individual anatomical variability of the width and height of the human visceral skull, depending on the craniotype and gender, by means of CT imaging. The results were obtained, according to which the linear dimensions of the skull that we studied are directly dependent on the craniotype: the largest indicators of the width of the facial part of the skull are characteristic of euryprozops, and the smallest – leptoprozops. It was determined that the most significant difference between the above-mentioned indicators, namely their increase in men compared to women, is characteristic of advanced age and old age. There were no statistically significant differences in the width and height of the facial skull in representatives of the same sex, but different age groups. Diagrams of the ratio of various types of facial skull structure according to the main facial index were created and the most common combinations of them with types of skull structure according to the cranial index were established.
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    Фрактальні розмірності великих півкуль головного мозку: анатомічні кореляції, вікові зміни та перспективи застосування у клінічній практиці
    (2024) Maryenko, N.; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна
    Фрактальний аналіз є перспективним методом аналізу зображень, що може бути використаний у якості морфометричного методу в нейроморфології. Цей метод дозволяє кількісно оцінювати ступінь заповнення простору структурами з геометрично складною конфігурацією. Існують різні варіанти фрактальних розмірностей (ФР) структур головного мозку, однак бракує даних щодо анатомічних кореляцій ФР та особливостей будови структур головного мозку, що впливають на значення ФР. Основними факторами, що впливають на різні значення фрактальної розмірності, є структурна складність та вікові зміні великих півкуль головного мозку. Структурна складність (кількість та складність конфігурації звивин) позитивно корелювала із ФР кори, цифрового скелету та контурів і мала негативні зв’язки із ФР білої речовини. До вікових змін найбільш чутливими виявились ФР кори, ФР контуру, визначена за допомогою методу згладжування контуру, та ФР тканини мозку в цілому (ФР силуетів). Основними перспективними сферами застосування фрактального аналізу в клінічній практиці є визначення та кількісне характеризування атрофічних змін, диференціювання атрофії при нормальному та патологічному старінні, а також діагностика мальформацій головного мозку.
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    Evaluation of cerebellar aging in mri images: fractal analysis compared to euclidean geometry-based morphometry
    (Meta-Radiology, 2024) Maryenko, N.; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Stepanenko, O.; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович
    This study aimed to identify age-related changes in the fractal dimensions of the cerebellum and compare the sensitivity of fractal analysis and conventional Euclidean geometry-based morphometry to cerebellar aging. The normal aging of the cerebellum involves not only absolute size alterations but also changes in the texture and spatial configuration of cerebellar tissue components, which can be quantitatively and objectively assessed by fractal analysis.
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    Arbor vitae cerebelli: fractal properties and their quantitative assessment by novel “contour scaling” fractal analysis method (an anatomical study)
    (Translational Research in Anatomy, 2024) Maryenko, Natalia; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна; Stepanenko, Oleksandr; Степаненко, Олександр Юрійович
    Arbor vitae cerebelli (tree-like branching white matter of the cerebellum) has a complex spatial configuration that is challenging to assess using conventional morphometric methods. This study proposes a fractal approach to describe and quantify the anatomy of Arbor vitae cerebelli. For this purpose, a new “contour scaling” method for fractal analysis of cerebellar white matter was developed. The fractal (Hausdorff) dimension, determined using the novel “contour scaling” method, quantitatively assesses the degree of branching of the cerebellar white matter. An increase in the absolute size of the cerebellum leads to a higher degree of branching of its white matter and an increase in the number of its constitutive components – white matter branches and folia.
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    Applications of fractal analysis techniques in magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography for stroke diagnosis and stroke-related brain damage: a narrative review
    (Advanced Technology in Neuroscience, 2024) Maryenko, Natalia; Мар'єнко, Наталія Іванівна
    This review provides an overview of the principles, characteristics, and main applications of the fractal analysis technique, focusing on its applications and perspectives in stroke diagnosis based on neuroimaging data. In stroke research, the fractal analysis technique has been used to characterize brain tissue, pathological foci, and the vascular network, providing critical diagnostic and prognostic information. Researchers have applied the fractal analysis technique to brain lesions resulting from ischemic strokes to conduct geometric analyses of lesion shapes, indicating its diagnostic and prognostic values. Overall, the fractal analysis technique in brain magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography is an informative and sensitive imaging analysis method that, with further development, can significantly improve stroke diagnosis and prognosis on the basis of neuroimaging data.
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    Determination of the range of variability of the human orbital opening height and width according to computer tomography data
    (Дніпровський державний медичний університет, 2024) Melnyk, B.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Panasenko, V.; Панасенко, В'ячеслав Олексійович
    Usage of computerized tomography scanning markedly expands now the ability for studying the features of the human skull structures. Morphometric studies play an important role in the identification of a person during a forensic medical examination, in determining the features of certain anatomical structures, including the orbit. Acquired during research findings may be useful in clinical medical practice when preparing for orbital reconstruction surgery after injuries or congenital malformations. Aim of study. Establishing the range of individual anatomical variability of the height and width of the human orbital opening depending on the craniotype and gender.