Кафедра української мови, психології та педагогіки

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    Digital Technologies as a Factor of Transformation of Learning in the University Education
    (2024) Sheiko, Anastasiia; Kharchenko, Andriy; Nalyvaiko, Oleksii; Kreydun, Nadiya; Ptushka, Anastasiia; Khatuntseva, Svitlana; Zotova, Liliya
    This article investigates the transformative impact of digital technologies on university education, particularly in light of the accelerated adoption driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aims to explore how these technologies have reshaped teaching and learning processes, focusing on their effectiveness, the challenges they present, and their future potential.
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    Immersive Technologies in Psychology
    (Riga, 2023) Nalyvaiko, Oleksii; Kreydun, Nadiya; Ivanenko, Liudmyla; Nevoienna, Olena; Iavorovska, Liubov; Kharchenko, Andrii; Nalyvaiko, Nataliia
    The study shows the possibilities and prospects for using immersive technologies in psychology. Various digital tools and their capabilities for working and training psychologists in augmented or virtual reality are considered. The article highlights the most promising digital technologies and tools that will allow realizing the potential of a psychologist at the highest level in the era of information technologies and large distances between him and the client. The drawbacks that may arise when using virtual reality in practical psychology are determined. У дослідженні показано можливості та перспективи використання імерсивних технологій у психології. Розглядаються різні цифрові інструменти та їх можливості для роботи й навчання психологів в умовах доповненої чи віртуальної реальності. У статті виділено найперспективніші цифрові технології та інструменти, які дозволять реалізувати потенціал психолога на вищому рівні в епоху інформаційних технологій та великих відстаней між ним та клієнтом. Визначено ризики, які можуть виникнути при використанні віртуальної реальності у практичній психології.
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    The significance of digital technologies in fostering the development of communicative competence among the prospective doctors
    (2024) Yefremova, Oksana; Humeniuk, Vasyl; Kalinichenko, Olha; Fomina, Liudmyla; Kokhan, Diana
    Future doctors are expected to possess a high level of professional skills, as reflected by their acquisition of proficient communication competence. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of digital technologies in the formation of communicative competence of prospective doctors. The objective was attained through the use of observation, analysis and weight coefficient, efficiency coefficient, Spearman's correlation coefficient. It was established that the development of communicative competence skills primarily allows to ensure the relevant orientation to the communication conditions (1.6) as well as informativity (1.53). To cultivate the communication proficiencies of prospective medical professionals, the authors developed corresponding approaches that included the use of digital technologies. The study of theoretical material involved the use of the SlideDog application; conducting practical classes via Medvoice Platform. The formation of professional competence involved the role-playing of relevant situations, based on the materials of the Pediatric Dentistry Academy, CARE-NExT-PG. After determining the level of students’ communication skills development in Group 1 (40.2) and Group 2 (40.1), it was established that they attained a high level. The development of communication skills contributed to the formation of students’ communication and social skills, as well as skills of abstract thinking and statistical information processing. The practical significance of the study lies in the elaboration of effective approaches to the development of prospective doctors’ communication skills drawing on the use of digital technologies. Research perspectives may be linked to the comparison of the level of communicative competence among medical students across various academic levels.
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    Creative self realization of art teacher: Chinese experience of art and pedagogical education.
    (ScientificWorld-NetAkhatAV. Karlsruhe, Germany, 2023) Rybalko, L.; Li, Y.; Ovsiuk, D.; Zhao, B.
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    Intellectual capital is the foundation of innovative development: formation of the readiness of future subjects of law enforcement activities for professional self-realisation in the academic process
    (ScientificWorld-NetAkhatAV. Karlsruhe, Germany, 2022) Rybalko, L.; Zahrebelnyi, O.; Chernovol-Tkachenko, R.; Fidiaieva, T.
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    From the experience of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by means of distance education in the conditions of quarantine measures for the spread of COVID-19
    (2021-03) Trubavina, Iryna; Vorozhbit-Gorbatyuk, Victoria; Shtefan, Maryna; Kalina, Kateryna; Dzhus, Oksana
    The relevance of the article relates to the need for continuing preschool education under quarantine conditions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by means of distance technologies and preparation of children for STEAM education. Artistic and productive activities are considered to be the resource of STEAM education. The aim of the article is to substantiate educational opportunities of distance education programs for undertaking artistic and productive activities of older preschool children on quarantine. Research methods: theoretical analysis, surveys, generalization of experience, analysis of children’s products, parental feedback. The scientific basis of the study is a set of approaches of different levels. Scientific novelty of the research is two-fold. The possibility of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by means of remote technologies in terms of preparing parents to interact with educators and organizational, technical, informational assistance to children. The features of the organization of such education in Ukraine under conditions of introducing quarantine measures are revealed. Practical significance is viewed through development and approbation of the content of classes on artistic and productive activities, integrated with the fundamentals of mathematics. There have been developed the questionnaires on digital competence for educators and digital literacy for parents.
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    Academic Integrity in the Conditions Forced Distance Learning
    (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2022-11) Nalyvaiko, Oleksii; Zhernovnykova, Oksana; Nalyvaiko, Nataliia; Molotok, Viktoriia
    The article examines issues of academic integrity under conditions of forced distance learning. An analysis of the current state of affairs in the university educational environment in the field of compliance with the principles of academic integrity was carried out. In the course of the study, respondents were asked to complete a survey aimed at determining the phenomena and factors that concern students in the conditions of forced distance learning of the 2020-2022 academic year and to decide on issues of academic integrity. Interviews were also conducted with student volunteers from various courses and universities who studied or are studying in conditions of forced distance learning. The results showed that, unfortunately, the percentage of students who regularly use cheating and incorrect borrowing has grown over these two years, but the reasons for this require further study, but it can already be said that the main factors that influence the manifestations of academic dishonesty in the environment students are: a new learning environment (full online learning), the lack of systematic work on the formation of an academic culture and a combination of low motivation in online learning and a low level of independent work skills among students in a new environment. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were formulated both for participants in the educational process in the context of countering and preventing cases of academic dishonesty in online learning. Digital tools recommended for use in online learning include: Respondus LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor, ProctorU, Purdue OWL, RefWorks, Grafiati, Unplag, Self Control. The integrated use of these digital tools will both control specific manifestations of academic dishonesty and form a culture of academic integrity based on openness and understanding of the importance of this process for students.
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    Masculinity: benefit or disadvantage. A modern view
    (2022-08) Scorbach, Tetiana; Chyrashna, Sofiia; Abouraya, Ali
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    Analysis of digital applications for Blended learning
    (ХНМУ, 2020-10) Nalyvaiko, Nataliia
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    Self-analysis of the contents of variable academic discipline “Тheory and method of education” for applicants of secondary (master’s) level of higher education of non-pedagogical specialities
    (Prague, 2020) Rybalko, Liudmyla; Fomina, Liudmyla; Gepenko, Liudmyla
    The relevance and appropriateness of the teaching variable academic discipline “Theory and methodology of education” for applicants of second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 011 Education, teacher of science 01 Education/pedagogy for basic non-teaching specialty due to the fact that future teachers do not have pedagogical education and are not ready for innovative educational activities. Purpose of the discipline is to create conditions for development of abilities of the candidates to solve complex problems in the organization of interaction and pedagogical impact in the educational environment, that implies a profound rethinking of existing and creation of new systemic knowledge of the theory and methodology of training, improvement of skills of educational work in institutions of higher education. The academic discipline is developed on the basis of the substantive provisions of the competence, andragogika, acmeological, system, personal-activity, innovative methodological approaches. Considered essential position of the concept of the New Ukrainian school, as the educational process in the establishments of higher education is an integral part of the educational process in general and should focus on universal values (honesty, respect for human rights, freedom, democracy, patriotism, etc); pedagogy of partnership is the basis of interpersonal relations in the pedagogical collective and the current direction of the theory and methodology of training; the teacher has the right to identify the author’s approach to teaching, implement the ideas of humanism and peace-building. Scientific novelty of the content theory and methodology of training in establishments of higher education is the author’s approach to the solution of pedagogical problems (to the discussion themes proposed, the current trends of academic mobility, the development of innovative thinking applicants). The practical significance consists of the tasks for seminars and independent work of candidates. Valuable is that the authors analyze the content of the discipline and scheduled further changes in its teaching.