Self-analysis of the contents of variable academic discipline “Тheory and method of education” for applicants of secondary (master’s) level of higher education of non-pedagogical specialities

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Rybalko, Liudmyla
Fomina, Liudmyla
Gepenko, Liudmyla

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The relevance and appropriateness of the teaching variable academic discipline “Theory and methodology of education” for applicants of second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 011 Education, teacher of science 01 Education/pedagogy for basic non-teaching specialty due to the fact that future teachers do not have pedagogical education and are not ready for innovative educational activities. Purpose of the discipline is to create conditions for development of abilities of the candidates to solve complex problems in the organization of interaction and pedagogical impact in the educational environment, that implies a profound rethinking of existing and creation of new systemic knowledge of the theory and methodology of training, improvement of skills of educational work in institutions of higher education. The academic discipline is developed on the basis of the substantive provisions of the competence, andragogika, acmeological, system, personal-activity, innovative methodological approaches. Considered essential position of the concept of the New Ukrainian school, as the educational process in the establishments of higher education is an integral part of the educational process in general and should focus on universal values (honesty, respect for human rights, freedom, democracy, patriotism, etc); pedagogy of partnership is the basis of interpersonal relations in the pedagogical collective and the current direction of the theory and methodology of training; the teacher has the right to identify the author’s approach to teaching, implement the ideas of humanism and peace-building. Scientific novelty of the content theory and methodology of training in establishments of higher education is the author’s approach to the solution of pedagogical problems (to the discussion themes proposed, the current trends of academic mobility, the development of innovative thinking applicants). The practical significance consists of the tasks for seminars and independent work of candidates. Valuable is that the authors analyze the content of the discipline and scheduled further changes in its teaching.



educational program, a variable academic discipline, the process of education, methods of education, studies, graduate, establishment of higher education, quality of higher education


Rybalko L. Self-analysis of the contents of variable academic discipline “Тheory and method of education” for applicants of secondary (master’s) level of higher education of non-pedagogical specialities / L. Rybalko, L. Fomina, L. Gepenko // Theory and Practice of Future Teacher’s Training for Work in New Ukrainian School : monograph / edit.: I. F. Prokopenko, I. M. Trubavina. – Prague, 2020. – P. 580–592.



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