Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології
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Publication Determination of the range of variability of the human orbital opening height and width according to computer tomography data(Дніпровський державний медичний університет, 2024) Melnyk, B.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Panasenko, V.; Панасенко, В'ячеслав ОлексійовичUsage of computerized tomography scanning markedly expands now the ability for studying the features of the human skull structures. Morphometric studies play an important role in the identification of a person during a forensic medical examination, in determining the features of certain anatomical structures, including the orbit. Acquired during research findings may be useful in clinical medical practice when preparing for orbital reconstruction surgery after injuries or congenital malformations. Aim of study. Establishing the range of individual anatomical variability of the height and width of the human orbital opening depending on the craniotype and gender.Publication Establishing the range of variability of the width and height of the human visceral skull depending on the craniotype and gender(Дніпровський державний медичний університет, 2024) Melnyk, B.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга ДмитрівнаThe range of variability of the width and height of the facial part of the human skull, depending on the extreme forms of the structure, has been established. The results were obtained, according to which the linear dimensions of the skull that we studied are directly dependent on the craniotype: the largest indicators of the width of the facial part of the skull are characteristic of euryprozops, and the smallest – leptoprozops. It was determined that the most significant difference between the above-mentioned indicators, namely their increase in men compared to women, is characteristic of advanced age and old age. There were no statistically significant differences in the width and height of the facial skull in representatives of the same sex, but different age groups. Diagrams of the ratio of various types of facial skull structure according to the main facial index were created and the most common combinations of them with types of skull structure according to the cranial index were established.Item Individual anatomical variability of the anteroposterior lateral dimensions of the facial skull in mature adults(Georgian medical news, 2024) Sosonna, L.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Yurevych, N.; Schevtsov, O.; Avilova, O.; Konoval, N.; Sukhina, I.Despite the significance of anatomical variability in various specialties, there is currently limited research dedicated to this topic. Most studies focus on the brain, with only a small number examining the human skull, primarily in relation to anatomical variability in childhood. Aim: Therefore, the aim of our work is to determine the individual anatomical variability of the lateral dimensions of the facial section of the adult human skull. Materials and methods: The study included 115 skulls of mature individuals, comprising 35 dry bone specimens from the anatomy museum collection and 80 results from human head CT scans without bone tissue pathologies. To detail the craniometric characteristics of the lateral surface of the facial section of the skull, polygons (polygons) were constructed with dividing of the facial section of the skull is into the orbital-frontal, nasal, and maxillary. The facial profilegram of the skull was formed as a set of predetermined dimensions between facial profile points, presenting a continuous line passing through points gl-n-rhi-ns-pr-id-pg, reflecting the shape, dimensions, and position of the cranial profile of mature adults regardless of sex or cranial type. Results: It was established that the longitudinal anteroposterior dimensions of the facial skull exhibit a certain range of variability in mature individuals depending on gender. For instance, the distance between the points gl-po (glabella-porion) reaches its maximum values in individuals with a brachycranial skull shape, ranging from 107 mm to 130 mm in men and from 104 mm to 128 mm in women. In individuals with a mesocranial skull shape, this parameter gradually decreases to 109-126 mm in men and 107-124 mm in women. A similar decrease is observed in those with a dolichocranial skull shape, where the range is 109-121 mm in men and 109-120 mm in women. The distance between n-po (nasion-porion) in brachycranial and mesocranial individuals remains within 96-123 mm and 102-123 mm, regardless of gender, indicating that this parameter is relatively stable. However, in dolichocranial individuals, this distance decreases to 104-115 mm. Conclusions: Individual anatomical variability of the anteroposterior lateral dimensions of the facial skeleton in mature individuals has been determined. A more in-depth analysis of the existing range of individual variability in the profile configuration of the facial skull was conducted using sagittal polygons. It was found that the polygons gl-po-n, n-po-rhi, and rhi-po-ns relate to the structure of the bony profile of the orbital-temporal and nasal regions of the facial skull, reflecting the upper, combined orbital-nasal section of the head.Publication Individual anatomical variability of the longitudinal dimensions of the lower jaw in men(International Scientific Unity, 2024) Melnyk, B.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Samosudova, L.; Самосудова, Людмила ВікторівнаThe issue of studying individual anatomical variability of skull bones does not lose its relevance. In order to improve methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and anomalies of skull development, it is very important to have complete information about individual anatomical variability of skull structures. This necessity is primarily associated with the rapid development of maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics. For the successful treatment of the patient, one cannot do without an in-depth study of the features of the bones: their thickness, linear dimensions, craniotopographic relationships between the structures of the skull depending on gender and craniotype.Publication Planimetric analysis of individual variability and sexual dimorphism of the orbital opening(Baltija Publishing, 2024) Melnyk, B.; Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Panasenko, V.; Панасенко, В'ячеслав ОлексійовичMorphometric studies, which are carried out using computer tomography methods, play an important role in determining the features of certain anatomical structures, including orbit. It has recently been described that aging of the facial bones is mainly a consequence of volume loss and morphological changes in the orbit, midface and mandible. Some scientists believe that age-related changes in the facial skeleton are mainly concentrated in the orbit, upper and lower jaws. They claim that the size of the orbit tends to increase with age. Toothless individuals of both sexes have wider orbit and shorter maxilla and mandible height. Thus, the problem of studying sexual dimorphism and age-related changes in skull structures, including the orbit, remains relevant.Publication Range of variability of the morphometric indicators of the piriform aperture of men depending on craniotype(Приватний вищий навчальний заклад «Харківський міжнародний медичний університет», 2024) Boiagina, O.; Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна; Melnyk, B.; Samosudova, L.; Самосудова, Людмила ВікторівнаThe maxillofacial region is an anatomically complex area that includes structures of a peculiar shape. This can add difficulty to their display on tomograms and complicate the interpretation of these images. Therefore, perfect knowledge of the tomographic anatomy of the maxillofacial region is absolutely necessary. The aim was to study the morphometric parameters of the piriform aperture of men depending on the craniotype. Conclusions. 1. The range of variability of the height, width, perimeter and area of the piriform aperture of men is determined. 2. It was established that the investigated parameters do not depend on the type of facial skull structure.