Кафедра медичної та біоорганічної хімії

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    Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Coxibs and their Compositions with Caffeine on the Level of Conjugated Dienes in the Formalin-Induced Edema Model
    (Turkish Chemical Society, 2022) Syrova, Ganna; Petiunina, Valentina; Savelieva, Olena; Tishakova, Tetyana; Lukianova, Larysa
    The development of novel pharmaceutical compositions, which are effective in the treatment of different inflammatory diseases and have a minimum number of side effects is very relevant. The aim of the present study was biochemical confirmation of anti-inflammatory activity of new pharmaceutical compositions comprising coxibs and caffeine. The level of conjugated dienes as primary products of lipid peroxidation has been evaluated in the plasma of rats at the acute inflammation caused by formalin. The white male rats of WAG line were used. The content of conjugated dienes was determined by spectrophotometric method. It was shown that combinations of caffeine and coxibs showed statistical significant decrease in the content of conjugated dienes in the rats’ blood plasma. Caffeine enriched anti-inflammatory action of coxibs effectively.
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    Experimental study of the antipyretic effect of oxicams and their compositions with caffeine
    (2018-09-30) Syrova, Ganna; Lukianova, Larysa; Kalinenko, Olga; Vodolazhenko, Maria; Petiunina, Valentina
    The experimental study of the influence of caffeine on the antipyretic activity of oxicams in rats was carried out. Meloxicam, piroxicam and their adjuvant caffeine were selected as drugs. According to the results of experimental studies, it was found that meloxicam has the highest antipyretic activity (89,24 %) in 3 hours after administration and exceeded the antipyretic activity of the reference drug. Addition of caffeine to meloxicam did not promote increasing of the meloxicam antipyretic activity, so this composition is considered inappropriate in relation to its antipyretic effect. The antipyretic activity of piroxicam was lower comparing to the reference drug diclofenac sodium. Addition of caffeine to piroxicam promotes increasing of the piroxicam antipyretic activity in 3 hours after administration of the drug. This exceeded the piroxicam antipyretic activity in 1,3 times but did not reach diclofenac sodium activity. The results of experimental studies can become the basis for the creation of new domestic combined medicines.
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    The experimental research on the antiinflammatory action of the new piroxicamcaffeine pharmaceutical composition
    (2018) Syrova, Ganna; Lukianova, Larysa; Chalenko, Natalia
    Conducting an experimental research on laboratory rats subjected to endogastric injections, our scientists have explored the influence of the non-steroid anti-inflamatory drug from the oxicam group piroxicam (4-hydroxo-2-methyl-N-pyridine-2-il)-2H-1,2-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide1,1- dioxyde), a well-known adjuvant of non-narcotic analgetics and non-steroid anti-inflamatory drugs such as caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine)and the two-component piroxicam-caffeine pharmaceutical composition on the rats’ anti-exudative activity under formalin edema. The analysis of the results of the experimental researches points to the fact that caffeine promotes the anti-exudative action of piroxicam in the rats under formalin edema. The above-mentioned experimental researches allow us to come to the conclusion that due to its vasoconstrictive effect caffeine performs as an adjuvant to piroxicam (a non-steroid anti-inflamatory drug from the oxicam group) concerning the anti-exudative activity. The results of the research can become a basis for the development of new combined drugs in Ukraine.
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    The experimental study of pharmaceutical composition piroxicam and caffeine
    (Scientific Educational Center Warsaw, Poland, 2017-11-18) Syrovaya, Anna; Lukianova, Larysa; Kolesnyk, Maria; Adamu, Isaaka
    In an experiment on rats, the effects of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent of the group of oxicams piroxicam, caffeine and their composition on emotional-behavioral reactions under formalin edema were conducted. Evaluation of drug’s and their compositions influence on characteristics of animal’s behavior was done by comparison remedies with control and with formalin edema. Observation of the parameters of routine research activity in the "open field" test and the multi-parameter method for evaluating anxiety-phobic states was carried out according to the generally accepted method. The analysis of the results of experimental studies indicates that caffeine increases the activity of piroxicam relatively to horizontal and vertical motion activity, cognitive activity, grooming and the number of urinations in rats under formalin edema. The results of research can be the basis for the development of new domestic combined medicines.
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    Experiments on new pharmacological compositions under formalin edema
    (2016) Lukianova, Larysa
    The experiment on rats explores the influence of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs with various chemical structure, caffeine and their compositions on behavioral emotional reactions under formalin edema. The analysis of results of experimental researches shows, that caffeine potentiates the action of diclofenac sodium and ibuprofen concerning the horizontal and vertical motion activity and grooming in rats under formalin edema.
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    Experiments on the influence of organic compounds with nitrogen and their compositions on the emotional-behavioral reactions of laboratory animals under formalin edema
    (USA: PCHHAX, 2016-08) Lukianova, Larysa
    The experiment on laboratory animals explores their reference and exploratory activity while injecting organic compounds with nitrogen: caffeine paracetamol and carbamazepine and their compositions under formalin edema. The analysis of the results of our experiments shows that caffeine potentiates horizontal and vertical impellent activity and stimulates rats’ cognitive activity.
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    Изучение поведенческих реакций при введении кофеина, карбамазепина и их композиций в условиях формалинового отека у крыс
    (2016) Лукьянова, Лариса Владимировна; Lukianova, Larysa
    В експерименті на лабораторних тваринах проведено дослідження впливу нітрогеновмісних органічних сполук (карбамазепіну, кофеїну) та їх композиції на емоційно-поведінкові реакції в умовах формалінового набряку. Аналіз результатів експериментальних досліджень вказує на те, що кофеїн потенціює дію карбамазепіну відносно горизонтальної і вертикальної рухової активності щурів. Researches of behavioral-emotional reactions are carried out in experiment on laboratory animals at introduction nitrogen-containing organic compounds (carbamazepine, caffeine) and their compositions in the conditions of a formalin edema. The analysis of results of experimental researches shows, that caffeine potentiates the action of carbamazepine relative to the horizontal and vertical impellent activity in rats.