The experimental study of pharmaceutical composition piroxicam and caffeine

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Syrovaya, Anna
Lukianova, Larysa
Kolesnyk, Maria
Adamu, Isaaka

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Scientific Educational Center Warsaw, Poland


In an experiment on rats, the effects of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent of the group of oxicams piroxicam, caffeine and their composition on emotional-behavioral reactions under formalin edema were conducted. Evaluation of drug’s and their compositions influence on characteristics of animal’s behavior was done by comparison remedies with control and with formalin edema. Observation of the parameters of routine research activity in the "open field" test and the multi-parameter method for evaluating anxiety-phobic states was carried out according to the generally accepted method. The analysis of the results of experimental studies indicates that caffeine increases the activity of piroxicam relatively to horizontal and vertical motion activity, cognitive activity, grooming and the number of urinations in rats under formalin edema. The results of research can be the basis for the development of new domestic combined medicines.



piroxicam, caffeine, “open field”, formalin edema, pharmaceutical composition


The experimental study of pharmaceutical composition piroxicam and caffeine / A. O. Syrovaya, L. V. Lukianova, M. R. Kolesnyk, Adamu Isaaka // Topical Problems of Modern Science : Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Warsaw, Poland, November 18, 2017 / Scientific Educational Center Warsaw. – Warsaw, 2017. – Vol. 5. – P. 60–64.



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