Damage to the respiratory system of patients SARS-CoV-2 associated with COVID-19 infection
Andrusovych, Inna
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Міжнародний центр наукових досліджень
Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is associated with a number of clinical conditions mainly of the respiratory system, including both mild lesions of the upper respiratory tract and severe viral pneumonia. Manifestations of interstitial pneumonia are determined among at least 14.0% of infected patients, which has a significant chance of developing into a severe acute respiratory syndrome with subsequent need for intensive therapy. In addition, damage to peripheral pulmonary vessels and vessels involved in gas exchange significantly affects the balance of ventilation and perfusion, which causes the development of hypoxemia and requires a change in the patient's position during oxygenation.
COVID-19, respiratory system, damage, 2024а
Andrusovych I. V. Damage to the respiratory system of patients SARS-CoV-2 associated with COVID-19 infection / I. V Andrusovych // Стратегічні напрямки розвитку науки: фактори впливу та взаємодії : збірник наукових праць з матеріалами IV міжнародної наукової конференції, Харків, 10 травня 2024 р. / Міжнародний центр наукових досліджень. – Харків, 2024. – С. 180.