Concomitant pathology of patients with COVID-19 infection
Andrusovych, Inna
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Perfect Publishing
Many studies have shown that a more severe course of COVID-19 is associated with the presence of comorbidities. Thus, the risk of hospitalization in patients with bronchial asthma is 1.5 times higher, and in patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus - 4 and 3 times higher, respectively. Among the risk factors that significantly affect the deterioration of COVID-19, the researchers consider the following: older age, male gender, and comorbidities. For example, in the presence of concomitant hypertension, the risk of mortality increases by at least 1.7-3.5 times, and in the presence of grade I-II obesity - by 3 times. According to Pranata et al, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathology was the leading comorbidity in patients with COVID-19. Another meta-analysis by Pranata et al. showed the impact of concomitant hypertension on the course of COVID-19: hypertension was significantly associated with total negative outcomes of COVID-19: hazard ratio (HR) = 2.11 [95.0% confidence intervals (CI) 1.85-2.40], p < 0.001.
COVID-19, concomitant pathology, 2024а
Andrusovych I. V. Concomitant pathology of patients with COVID-19 infection / I. V Andrusovych // Innovative development of science, technology and education : Proceedings of VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 9–11 May 2024 / Perfect Publishing. – Vancouver, 2024. – P. 54–55.