The doctor and the patient: relationship modus

dc.contributor.authorLantukh, A.
dc.contributor.authorMerkulova, Nina
dc.contributor.authorSolomennik, G.
dc.contributor.authorMohylenets, Olena
dc.description.abstractThe article addresses the problem of the doctor and the patient, beginning with the medicine of Hippocratic model up to the present time. The authors analyze the transformation of the relationships between the doctor and the patient beginning with ancient times up to the classical medicine requirements and then to nowadays, trace minimization of these relationships and disappearance of their humanistic potential, necessary and so essential for whatever medicine model. The idea of solidarity between colleagues was the integral element of the profession traditional interpretation. Belonging to the profession presupposed the necessity to observe the rule which today is characterized as corporatism. It means that medics were in agreement not to compete, but to give a support to each other. Such loyalty between colleagues might, however, turn out harmful for those whom they had sworn to serve, that is their patients. For instance, doctors’ refusal to raise the alarm over cases of their colleagues’ incompetence or corruption indicated deformation of the notion of medical professionalism. Though nowadays innovative medical technologies increase the distance between the doctor and the patient, humanistic doctor – patient relationship will always be an effective modus of their cooperation for the patient benefit.ru_RU
dc.identifier.citationThe doctor and the patient: relationship modus / A. P. Lantukh, N. F. Merkulova, G. O. Solomennyk, O. I. Mohylenets // Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools. – 2017. – № 21 (3). – P. 166–169.ru_RU
dc.subjecthumanistic valuesru_RU
dc.subjectethical coderu_RU
dc.subjectthe patientru_RU
dc.subjectthe doctorru_RU
dc.titleThe doctor and the patient: relationship modusru_RU
