Definition of the range of variability of the linear parameters of the human skull depending on gender and craniotype in the age aspect

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Melnyk, Bogdan
Мельник, Богдан Ігорович
Boiagina, Olga
Боягіна, Ольга Дмитрівна

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The question of studying sexual dimorphism, age-related changes and aging of tissues, including bone tissue, is still relevant today. The rapid development of maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics requires an in-depth study of the features of skull formations depending on gender and craniotype. The purpose of our study was to determine the patterns of sexual dimorphism of craniometric indicators of the human skull depending on age. The material of the study was 125 CT scans of the head of men and women aged 25 to 85 without pathology of the bones of the skull, performed using a Neusoft NeuViz 16 Essence 16-Slice CT Scanner System. Visual analysis and craniometric measurements were performed using the Horos ver.4.0.1 program included in the computer tomography software and the Vidar Dicom Viewer ver. It was established that the values of the linear dimensions of the skull, such as length, width and height, depend on the craniotype and gender of the person. The range of variability of the main indices of the skull was also determined. The most common combinations of skull types have been established.



craniometry, linear dimensions of the skull, cranial, height-longitudinal and height-latitude indices of the skull, types of skull structure, 2024а


Melnyk B. Definition of the range of variability of the linear parameters of the human skull depending on gender and craniotype in the age aspect / B. Melnyk, О. Boiagina // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2024. – Вип. 3 (174). ─ С. 299─310. ─ DOI: 10.29254/2077-4214-2024-3-174-299-310.



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