Кафедра медичної та біоорганічної хімії

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    Experimental investigation of the effect of pharmaceutical composition on the central nervous system
    (KhNMU, 2019) Syrova, Ganna; Lukianova, Larysa; Sinelnik, Vyacheslav; Krasnikova, Yuliya; Salam, Logina
    It is known that combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with other drugs can cause complementary effects, or potentiate the effects of each other. Object and methods. The objective of this experiment is to analyze the use of a new pharmaceutical composition consisting of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the coxib group (rofecoxib) and an immunomodulator of lycopid (glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide). An experiment on laboratory animals was conducted in order to view the effect of rofecoxib, licopid and their pharmacological composition on the central nervous system and on emotional-behavioral reactions in an "open field" test under formalin edema conditions. Results Previously, we studied the pharmaceutical compositions of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of different chemical structure with the psychostimulant caffeine. The results indicated that caffeine potentiated the pharmacological effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In this study, we set a goal to create a pharmaceutical composition of rofecoxib with licopid and investigated its effect on the emotional-behavioral reactions of rats under formalin edema conditions. Ànalysis of the experimental results show that the addition of licopid to rofecoxib contributed to an increase in rat's locomotor and orienting-research activities and also an increase in the indicators of their emotional reactions (urination and defecation) compared to the mono-administration of rofecoxib. Conclusions. The pharmaceutical composition of rofecoxib and licopid is expedient and promising for the study of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
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    Experiments on new pharmacological compositions under formalin edema
    (2016) Lukianova, Larysa
    The experiment on rats explores the influence of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs with various chemical structure, caffeine and their compositions on behavioral emotional reactions under formalin edema. The analysis of results of experimental researches shows, that caffeine potentiates the action of diclofenac sodium and ibuprofen concerning the horizontal and vertical motion activity and grooming in rats under formalin edema.
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    Изучение поведенческих реакций при введении кофеина, карбамазепина и их композиций в условиях формалинового отека у крыс
    (2016) Лукьянова, Лариса Владимировна; Lukianova, Larysa
    В експерименті на лабораторних тваринах проведено дослідження впливу нітрогеновмісних органічних сполук (карбамазепіну, кофеїну) та їх композиції на емоційно-поведінкові реакції в умовах формалінового набряку. Аналіз результатів експериментальних досліджень вказує на те, що кофеїн потенціює дію карбамазепіну відносно горизонтальної і вертикальної рухової активності щурів. Researches of behavioral-emotional reactions are carried out in experiment on laboratory animals at introduction nitrogen-containing organic compounds (carbamazepine, caffeine) and their compositions in the conditions of a formalin edema. The analysis of results of experimental researches shows, that caffeine potentiates the action of carbamazepine relative to the horizontal and vertical impellent activity in rats.