Кафедра гігієни та екології № 1
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Item Action of electromagnetic fields of different spectral ranges of freqencies generated in production environment when using modern technological processes in mashine-building industry enterprises(European Scientific Platform, 2019-10) Dreval, Maryana; Goncharenko, V.; Gevorgyan, S.The scientific work presents results of studies action of electromagnetic fields of different spectral ranges of freqencies generated in production environment when using modern technological processes in mashine-building industry enterprises.Item Actual problems of preventive medicine in Ghana(KNMU, 2017-05) Amoo-Mensah, Amanda; Acheampoymaa Asanie, Mary YaaThe current problems of preventive medicine in Ghana are presented.Item Actual problems of stress prevention in upper-grade student(KNMU, 2017-05) Knigin, Michail; Chirva, Anna; Katelevska, NataliiaIdentification and correction of the negative impact of various stress factors on the health of high school students are presented.Item Affection of E-Waste on Human health(KhNMU, 2019-04-23) Bohachova, Olga; Ekamdip, Kaur; Charvi, PriyaIn work affection of E-waste on human health are ppresented.Item Air pollution as a diverse cause of deterioration of human health and deaths(ХНМУ, 2019-05-23) Karitina, MutilithaIn the work the analysis air pollution as a diverse cause of deterioration of human health and deaths is presented.Item Analysis of risk factors for the development of vision pathology in young people(KhNMU, 2020-10) Sarkis-Ivanova, Vladyslava; Adamovska, OleksandraThe paper presents the results of the study study the prevalence of vision pathology in students and analysis of risk factors that caused the forming of this pathologyItem Application of art therapy in prevention of stress in conditions of inforced self-isolation(Perfect Publishing, 2020-05) Gerasymenko, Olga; Mezhenina, T.; Denysenko, S.The paper presents the results of the study essence and opportunity art therapy as one of the possible and easy of approach psycho-prophylactic method in the prevention of depression, what is relevant in the induced self-isolationItem Awareness of medical students about the factors and characteristics of bacterial food poisoning(2023-04-16) Gerasymenko, Olga; Герасименко, Ольга Ігорівна; Stelmakh, AnastasiiaPublication Awareness of the impact of ragweed on the environment and human health(KhNMU, 2022-11-24) Мокрякова, Марина Іванівна; Mokriakova, Maryna; Бойко, Ілля Сергійович; Boiko, Illia; Калінін, Данило Емільович; Kalinin, DaniloItem Bioethical problems in the use of laboratory animals for medical experiments in Nigeria(2014) Onwujekwe, Udodi; Gerasymenko, OlgaItem Changes in lifestyle of medical students in conditions of rigorous quarantine restriction(KhNMU, 2021) Sarkis-Ivanova, Vladyslava; Suraj, S.In work changes in lifestyle of medical students in conditions of rigorous quarantine restriction were studiedItem Characteristic features of the emotional burnout syndrome in obstetricians-gynecologists(2022-06-10) Gerasymenko, Olga; Ausheva, KaterynaВивчено поширеність, вираженість та основні особливості симптомів професійного вигоряння у лікарів акушерів-гінекологів за допомогою методу веб-опитування. Показано, що проблема емоційного вигоряння безпосередньо пов'язана не лише з якістю життя медичного персоналу, а й безпосередньо впливає на якість надання медичної допомоги. Для покращення психологічного здоров'я лікарів акушерів-гінекологів рекомендовано використовувати психологічні семінари та тренінги, спрямовані на оволодіння ефективними способами керування стресомItem Characteristics of changes in the infrastructure of Kharkiv, regarding garbage management(KhNMU, 2021) Kolosha, Olga; Dreval, MaryanaInvestigation of changes in waste management among citizens of Ukraine and local authorities in the Kharkiv region are presentedItem Consequence of Trihalomethane on Infant Growth(KhNMU, 2019-04-23) Katelevska, Nataliia; Bassam, Shalha HibaIn publishing this study the effect of total trihalomethane (TTHM) exposure on infant birth weight, low birth weight, and intrauterine growth retardation in term births are investigated.Item Distance education in the conditions of martial law in institutions of higher education: development and practice(2022) Oliinyk, Yuliia; Олійник, Юлія Олександрівна; Marynchenko, Hanna; Nosovets, Nataliia; Bezruchenkov, Yurii; Bykova, SvitlanaThe aim of the article is to establish the peculiarities of existing obstacles and promising directions of online education system d evelopment in the context of military conflicts of the present. The research is based on the results of the study of scientific literature in the field of online education during war and the study of practical aspects of this issue. The analytical and bibliographic method was used to conduct the study by studying the scientific literature on the issues of online education in higher education during martial law. An online questionnaire survey of the heads of departments of higher education institutions working with students during military conflicts in the territory of the HEIs was also used. As the heads of departments of higher education noted in their responses, the main obstacles to the development of online education are the lack of development and implementation of educational online platforms, the low rate and quality of creation or adaptation of information technology and e-learning tools.Item Enhancing morphology department education in the era of distance learning: strategies and insights(2023-11-03) Богачова, Ольга Сергіївна; Bohachova, Olga; Ткач, Ольга Олександрівна; Trach, Olga; Klochko, Natalia; Chekanova, Iryna; Клочко, Наталія Іванівна; Чеканова, Ірина ВікторівнаItem Factors of forming myopia in adolescent age(KNMU, 2017-05) Denisenko, Denis; Dolinina, Irina; Shapovalov, IgorThe problem of myopia is greatly increasing these days. And it has great relevance especially among children and adolescent. The purpose of study is to identify the main factors in the formation and development of myopia and develop recommendations that would help to avoid this problem.Item Factors that increase effecteveness of medical students' studing(CPN Publishing Group, 2019-11) Boiarskyi, M.; Fadieieva, Anastasiia; Valentieva, AlinaThe paper presents factors of increase effectiveness of medical students' studying.Item «Fast food» як фактор ризику для здоров’я підлітків(ХНМУ, 2017-01) Дворнік, Наталія Олександрівна; Занг, Тхоу ЛіньВ роботі представлено особливості впливу «швидкої їжі» на здоров’я населення, зокрема, підлітків.Item Features of education and psychological support in special schools in UAE(ХНМУ, 2019-10-23) Abujouda, Abdalqader; Gerasymenko, OlgaIn work features of education and psychological support in special schools in UAE are presented