Comparative analysis of the mineral composition of amaranth and aronia seed oils
Saveliev, Vladislav Vitalievich
Levashova, Olga
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The qualitative composition of mineral substances, as well as a comparative analysis
of the quantitative content of macro- and microelements in the amaranth (Amaranthus) and
chokeberry Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) oils was performed by atomic emission spectroscopy.
The analysis was carried out in the discharge arc AC with excitation source (PVA-28), followed
by the photographic recording of the emission spectrum and measuring the intensity of the spectral
lines of the individual elements on the spectrograph DFS-8. As a result of the study, the content of
21 macro- and microelements was determined, which specify characteristics of the studied oils.
amaranth, aronia, microelements, spectral analysis
Saveliev V. V. Comparative analysis of the mineral composition of amaranth and aronia seed oils / V. V. Saveliev, O. L. Levashova // Scientific development and achievements : materials of international scientific and practicial conference, St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom, December 1st, 2017 / ed. for the production M. A. Holdenblat. ‒ NGO : European Scientific Platform ; Odessa : Printing House «Drukarik, 2017. – Part 1. ‒ P. 90‒93.