Complex application of amaranth and soya in medicine and food industry

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Levashova, Olga
Tishakova, Tetyana
Syrova, Ganna
Kovalenko, Sergei

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Complex processing studies of amaranth and soya were conducted in order to produce new and effective medicines and dietary supplements. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of biologically active substances (BAS) of 5 regional varieties of amaranth and of 7 varieties of soya, their seeds, meal after oil extraction and phytopreparation (biologically active complex of soybeans) were studied. The presence of 21 amino acids, 12 flavonoids, 7 isoflavonoids, 7 coumarins, 5 phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, vitamins, polysaccharides, squalen was found in investigated plant material. A comprehensive resource-saving technology for oil, herbal formulation and protein production was developed. The use of amaranth and soy products helps to reduce cholesterol, compensate an energy lost, increase muscle mass, significantly reduces the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. It is advisable to include them in the daily diet, which is recommended for chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, heart and other.



amaranth, soy, biologically active substances, meal, resource-saving technology


Complex application of amaranth and soya in medicine and food industry / O. L. Levashova, T. S. Tishakova, G. O. Syrova, S. M. Kovalenko // International Trends in Science and Technology : Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 30, 2018 / RS Global Sp.z O.O. – Warsaw, 2018. – Vol. 3. – P. 6–8.



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