Treatment experience of chronic lung abscesses using mini-invasive electrosurgical techniques

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Serenko, Anton
Hroma, Vasyl
Minukhin, Dmytro
Yevtushenko, Denis
Tkachenko, Volodymyr
Kritsak, Vasyl
Korzh, Pavlo

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ABSTRACT The aim: To increase the efficiency of surgical treatment of patients with chronic lung abscesses by developing mini-invasive methods of surgical treatment using electrosurgical technologies. Materials and methods: Conducted study of the results of surgical treatment of 78 patients with chronic lung abscesses operated from 2011 to 2021. Patients were divided into two groups: the main group (37 patients who were treated using developed technologies) and a comparison group (41 patients, treated using traditional tactics). Results: Transthoracic and endobronchial sanitation of the purulent cavity in the lung at the first stage of treatment contributed to the rapid elimination of inflammation and significantly accelerated the regeneration of lung tissue. Clinical effectiveness in the main group was expressed in reducing the phenomena of intoxication, decrease in Leukocyte intoxication index (LII) (early as on day 5 after surgery), on the 10th day, a significant reduction in patients bacterial excretion was noted (in the main group by 18.9%, in the comparison group – by 14.6%), the average time of reducing the abscess cavity by 1/4 of the volume 6 days less, the healing time of the cavity of the AL which is on average 13 and 16 days, respectively, less. Conclusions: The developed methods of surgical interventions made it possible to significantly positively influence the level of endogenous intoxication indicators, avoid resection surgical interventions, reduce the number of postoperative complications, avoid damage to neighboring organs, reduce the time of patients with achieving a stable positive effect.



chronic lung abscess, argon-plasma coagulation, electrosurgery, 2023а


Treatment experience of chronic lung abscesses using mini-invasive electrosurgical techniques / A. A. Serenko, V. G. Hroma, D. V. Minukhin, D. O. Yevtushenko, V. V. Tkachenko, V. V. Kritsak, P. I. Korzh // Wiadomości Lekarskie. ─ 2023. ─ Vol. 10. ─ P. 2277─2282.



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