Кафедра української мови, психології та педагогіки
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Item Foreign students’ adaptation as a problem of cultural difference(2019-10) Nesterenko, A.K.; Tohfe, N.У праці розкрито основні шляхи адаптації іранських студентів в українських ЗВО; проведено аналіз іранської та української культури.Item Computer anxiety of the students in learning process(ХНМУ, 2019-09) Fomina, Liudmyla; Nalyvaiko, Nataliia; Nalyvaiko, OleksiiУ праці виокремлені групи користувачів ПК і названа група, яка найбільш схильна до комп'ютерної тривожності. Встановлено, що при тривожності в процесі освоєння комп'ютерних технологій в рамках навчальних занять продуктивність діяльності значно знижується.Item Adaptation in a new society as a problem of foreign students (in comparison to Ukrainian and Iranian lifestyles)(2019-05) Нестеренко, Анастасія Костянтинівна; Тохфех, Насер; Tohfe, NaserУ статті проведено порівняльний аналіз між українською та іранською культурами, висвітлено різні проблеми, пов'язані з життям та навчанням в іноземному суспільстві, а також з'ясовано основні підходи до їх вирішення.Item Cultural difference as an adaptation problem: comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Indian cultures(2019-05) Гепенко, Людмила Олександрівна; NandniУ статті висвітлено особливості адаптації іноземних студентів до навчання в Україні. Проведено порівняльний аналіз української та індійської культури.Item Formation of information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School(Vienna, 2019) Zhernovnykova, O.; Nalyvaiko, O.; Nalyvaiko, N.A scientific analysis of the essence of the concepts of “information and digital preparation of the future teacher”, “information and digital competence”, “digitalization of education”, and “the New Ukrainian School” has been carried out. The article proves that one of the factors contributing to the effective development of the educational process is the formation of information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian school, because in education precedes a new ideology based on “Digital project activity” and “Digitalization” of education, where in place of traditional teachers come «gaming-teachers», «coordinators of online platforms and educational trajectories». It is determined that the result of the formation of information and digital training of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School is a formed information and digital competence, which is composed of: motivational-value, cognitive, operational components. The research methods have been characterized for verification of the formation of the information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School according to certain criteria (motivational, cognitive, reflexive-corrective).The results of the conducted questionnaires, testing and interrogation provided grounds to state mainly the medium and low levels of formation of the information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School. On the basis of the obtained results, theoretically substantiated the concept and developed the technology of forming the information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian school, which is planned to be implemented at the following stages: professional-motivational, content-activity, reflexive-correctional.Item Formation of professional competence to training for much arts of future teachers of physical education(Vienna, 2019) Rybalko, L.; Korobeynik, V.; Ivanov, D.The article focuses on the inadequate formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the training of martial arts. It is noted that professional competence in the study of martial arts of future teachers of physical education is an integral part of his professionalism, the ability of the individual to disclose and use the educational potential of martial arts to teach students the ability to self-defense. The teacher of physical education, with his example, should raise the interest of schoolchildren in physical education. The purpose of the article is to develop a master class "We Own Elements of Self-Defense: Jiu-Jitsu" as one of the ways of forming a professional competence for the training of martial arts from future teachers of physical culture. Research methods ‒ analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature on the subject of research; comparison; pedagogical observation of the work of students in classes on pedagogy and in pedagogical practice, interviewing.The essence of the concept of "educational potential of martial art" is clarified as awareness of the importance of physical education of a person, knowledge of the history of his people, its traditions and customs, the ability to use elements of martial art for the purpose of self-defense and protection of another person, revealing moral qualities and force of will in emergency situations. It is noted that the basis of the formation of professional competence in the training of martial arts in future teachers of physical education is the skill of mastering the knowledge and skills of self-defense. The results of the study were the introduction of the master class "Own the Elements of Self-Defense: Jiu-Jitsu" for senior pupils, parents and teachers in order to familiarize the participants of the educational process in the institutions of general secondary education with Jiu-Jitsu self-defense techniques and to promote interest in sports activities. Discussion of the effectiveness of the master class took place at a meeting with the director and proposed to make an annual plan of work of the teaching staff.Item Bullying as a problem of modern society(ХНМУ, 2019-04) Scorbach, Tetiana; Nesterenko, AnastasiiaУ праці розкрито суть поняття "знущання" та можливі шляхи його подолання.Item Ukrainian adjectives with the meaning of quantification: word-building and semantic aspects(2018-12) Нестеренко, Анастасія Костянтинівна; Nesterenko, A.Особливості утворення прикметників за допомогою суфіксів та префіксівItem The Roy Baumeister and his followers' study of dynamic cerebral features influence on the process of educationg a future doctor(2018-11-16) Tymosheko, Daria; Nesterenko, Anastasiia; Тимошенко, Д.В.; Нестеренко, А.К.The article reflects the problem of concentrating human's attention accorting to circumstances and environmental featuresItem Common aspects of teaching languages in medical education(2018-10-24) Фоміна, Людмила Володимирівна; Самолисова, Оксана Володимирівна; Fomina, Liudmyla; Samolysova, OksanaУ дослідженні розкрито особливості вивчення української, латинської, англійської мов іноземними студентами.
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